Ndigbo, Think Home !

Prince Ben Onuorah
Biko nu,
As you make plans to travel to your village this Christmas from your various locations in Abuja, Lagos, Kano, Benin, Sokoto, etc, please remember the plight of our people back home.
We know many of you have provided financial support for our less privileged ones over the years, there is however need to do more. It is by the grace of God that we are more comfortable than others. Of critical importance is the parlous state of orphanages and homes for the mentally and physically challenged persons in your village, LGA or state. We are NDIGBO. We are known for uplifting people around us.
This message is crucial because our research shows that, while orphanages in the big cities outside Igboland are over assisted by the rich, particularly Igbos, the ones back home are in desperate need of basic necessities.
Please help especially at this season and be your brothers keepers. The Lord will bless you as you do so. Compliments of the season.
Prince Ben C. Onuorah

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