By Carl Umegboro
(Published by The GUARDIAN newspapers of 24th October,2016)
(Published by TODAY news of 25th October,2016)
(Published by The NATION newspapers of 31st October,2016).
(Published by The VANGUARD newspapers of 09 November, 2016)
(Published by The GUARDIAN newspapers of 24th October,2016)
(Published by TODAY news of 25th October,2016)
(Published by The NATION newspapers of 31st October,2016).
(Published by The VANGUARD newspapers of 09 November, 2016)
COUNCIL of Legal Education (CLE) was
established by the federal government as a body to administer vocational
training to all law graduates from universities accredited by the National
Universities Commission (NUC), aspiring to practice as advocates and solicitors
of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. The Nigerian Law School (NLS) wholly-owned by
the federal government is earmarked for that purpose under the management of
CLE. By statute, powers of the Council
are delineated to training of law graduates while NUC Act exclusively vests
powers of regulations and accreditation of universities programmes in NUC. Categorically,
all universities are licensed by the federal government; academic programmes
are accredited by NUC while professional bodies carry out supervisory roles. Nevertheless,
all work harmoniously towards efficient service-delivery.
In Section 4 of Legal Education (Consolidations etc.) Act, “subject to this Act, the Attorney-General of the Federation may give the Council directions of a general character with regard to the exercise by the Council of its functions and it shall be the duty of the Council to comply with such directions”. Thus, the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice; a representative of the federal government oversees operations of the Council. Regrettably, the AGF had in futility issued directives to the Council to grant admission quota to National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).
In Section 4 of Legal Education (Consolidations etc.) Act, “subject to this Act, the Attorney-General of the Federation may give the Council directions of a general character with regard to the exercise by the Council of its functions and it shall be the duty of the Council to comply with such directions”. Thus, the Attorney General of the Federation (AGF) and Minister of Justice; a representative of the federal government oversees operations of the Council. Regrettably, the AGF had in futility issued directives to the Council to grant admission quota to National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).
In a similar vein, all professional bodies
overseeing respective university programmes statutorily queue under the NUC and
thus report to the regulatory body. Where noncompliance vis-à-vis ethics of any
of the professions is detected, the respective professional body could give
directions to the university or where deviance is intense, a petition to the
NUC and or recommendation for sanctions may follow suit. By this arrangement, professional
bodies including the CLE unequivocally lack powers to sanction or reject
accreditation-status on universities by the regulatory body, unfortunately,
NOUN’s accreditation by the NUC was arbitrarily snubbed by the Council despite
clearly demarcated functions.
Splendid, the federal government pursuant to
the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP) on education through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) established
NOUN, and today, the institution which kicked-off with ten schools including the
faculty of Law has become the largest in the country. Unfortunately, the CLE glowered
on ODL disregarding the fact that the world is now in a digital age especially,
the unrestricted admission-policy unlike the conventional universities where admissions
are based on nepotism and monetized; and in most cases purchased in huge sums
thereby depriving the underprivileged the right to get admissions in
disciplines of choice. Apart from that, ODL offers unique opportunities
different from the conventional techniques chiefly on flexibility thereby enables
citizens get quality education amidst obvious conundrums. NOUN’s first set graduated
with high hopes since 2012 but while awaiting admission quota to the Law
School, met a shocker from CLE discrediting their certificates and arbitrarily denied
them of entry into the facility wholly-owned by the federal government. Meanwhile,
CLE is made up of practicing lawyers similar to lecturers in NOUN faculty of
law. Resplendently, these graduates; mostly matured and engaged in various
endeavours ignored the provocations, instead succumbed to allow justice prevail
over the intimidations. Basically, the position of CLE cannot be justified on
account that practicing lawyers from conventional universities lecture and
examine NOUN law students with the same books and course-outlines.
Without a doubt, the key factor presented by
the Council which centred on standardization of the noble profession is long
overdue, unfortunately, it was narrowed to ODL which is akin to ‘divide and
rule’ approach whereby the deteriorating values in the profession so far are from
products of the conventional universities.
In other words, CLE ought to look lengthily on how to improve the
standard of legal profession instead of parochially tagging a particular
university’s modes. The world is changing swiftly and Nigeria cannot be socially
quarantined. Interestingly, most stuffs from distance-learning are distinguished
in the profession while on the other hand, several law-graduates from the
conventional universities are still unable to get rid of the law school studies;
hence, it goes beyond designation of universities but a cogent need for broad
reforms. Even if degree in law is to be pursued as secondary degree, it should
be conceptualized on general applications. By the Council’s delays in admitting
NOUN law graduates, innocent citizens who spent time and resources to complete
course-modules comparable to their fellows in the conventional universities
have been spitefully hindered from undergoing training for practice and
enrolment to the bar knowing that in Nigeria, advocate and solicitor are fused,
hence without enrolment to the bar, the basic tool for practice is denied. This
is the height of injustice, despotism and perniciousness. NOUN graduates should
as of right be granted admission into the law school while the CLE and other
stakeholders work concertedly towards improving on the system. The long years
the innocent-victims have wasted at home after graduation is no way
justifiable, rather jeopardizes their intellect when eventually cleared from
the muddle. NOUN as a new innovation of the Nigerian government cannot exist
without inadequacies; however, remedies shouldn’t be at the detriment of
innocent third-parties.
Public Affairs Analyst, Social Activist is the publisher, Pinnacle InfoGallery
- To trace in The GUARDIAN newspapers, click here:
- To trace in TODAY news, click here:
- To trace in the NATION newspapers, click here:
- To trace in VANGUARD newspapers, click here:
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