By Charles Onunaiju
Donald Trump,
brash billionaire businessman and presidential candidate of the grand old party
(GOP) or the U.S Republican Party is media favorite for visceral pillory. Ever
since he made his brash entry to U.S primary nomination in the Republican
Party, media heckles and tantrums have been his lot, but despite his travails
in the mainstream media, he crushed his Republican Peers to scoop the
presidential nomination. His political insurgency, peppered all the way, with
outlandish innuendoes, including the most notorious jibes to ban Muslims from
entering the U.S and building a great wall across the shared border with
Mexico, which rankled the established pattern of U.S political correctness,
jarring the jaws and profaning the serenity of America’s traditional political
hypocrisy where grandstanding holds sway.
However amidst Mr. Donald Trump so called daily garbage of unprintable tantrums
are some immutable and seriously intelligible diagnosis of what ails the United
States of America. He consistently remarked that the worldwide misadventure of
Washington is eating away at the vitality of the country to provide for its own
people. He implied that there is no sense in American exceptionalism and the
burden of a global policeman it has imposed on itself. Mr. Trump promise to
make America a normal country that looks after itself and its people first,
while contributing its own fair share to global governance. He called President
Barack Obama and his former secretary of state currently, the Democratic Party
nominee for the presidency Hillary Clinton, founders of the terror group the
Islamic State of ISIS.
He clarified,
when the main-stream media pretend not to understand what he meant to say that
,Washington military interventions to effect regime change in distant lands,
for which Mrs. Clinton is notoriously associated is responsible for the
vacuums which ISIS and other terror groups have sprang up to fill. At
another time, he promised to whittle, the Washington-led western military
alliance, NATO, appetite for wars, by scaling down America’s financial
commitment, urging the European members to get ready to pick their own bills
for far-flung military adventures if they so wish to undertake one. Mr. Donald
says, he will plough back to the Americans for their welfare and upkeep, the
fortunes expended abroad to finance wars, revisionist colour revolutions and
other provocations that pit America against the world.
For saying that America would under his presidency mind its own business, the war industry and their political and media wing, across partisan divide went up in arms against candidate Donald Trump, but his unmistakable message that seemed to have resonated with the weary ordinary America that shot him to the GOP nominee is likely to see him through the presidency. If he fulfills his vision to restore America to a normal country, that minds its own business, the world would leap to a new framework of multilateralism, engaged in mutual consultations and dialogue of civilizations devoid of the arrogance of exceptionalism and indispensability of any one nation or group of nations.
For saying that America would under his presidency mind its own business, the war industry and their political and media wing, across partisan divide went up in arms against candidate Donald Trump, but his unmistakable message that seemed to have resonated with the weary ordinary America that shot him to the GOP nominee is likely to see him through the presidency. If he fulfills his vision to restore America to a normal country, that minds its own business, the world would leap to a new framework of multilateralism, engaged in mutual consultations and dialogue of civilizations devoid of the arrogance of exceptionalism and indispensability of any one nation or group of nations.
Mrs. Hillary
Clinton, the Democratic Party candidate for November U.S presidential polls,
purports herself as the epitome of civilized political behavior but who is
actually the political package of the war industry. Her rhetoric of active
Washington bohemia across the world is a recipe for global chaos to be
orchestrated by a new Washington bully. She and her war industry patrons would
escalate confrontations with Russia using the pretext of Ukraine and would most
likely draw out China in a military conflict by exacerbating the tensions in
the South China Sea.
To deepen the financialization of imperialist rent, the Mrs. Clinton’s Washington will hollow out third world and especially African economies by excessive neo-liberal tightening for greater surplus accumulation of the metropolitan capital. The chaos of the Middle East will be further expanded as more military violence are likely to be piled up on the existing military stalemate in the region, under the usual arrogance and delusion of the war industry that only military escalation can guarantee its victory and ensure its hegemony.
To deepen the financialization of imperialist rent, the Mrs. Clinton’s Washington will hollow out third world and especially African economies by excessive neo-liberal tightening for greater surplus accumulation of the metropolitan capital. The chaos of the Middle East will be further expanded as more military violence are likely to be piled up on the existing military stalemate in the region, under the usual arrogance and delusion of the war industry that only military escalation can guarantee its victory and ensure its hegemony.
There is no doubt
that the system of U.S global domination has taken a huge toll on the quality
of life of ordinary Americans, including the whites working class, who are the
main support base of Mr. Donald Trump. The worsening state racial violence in
which African Americans are the largest victims in the United States, represent
the travels of the overstretched system.
The finesse in the language of American politics has always disguised the undercurrent of systematic exclusion of the working and toiling people to the country’s political and socio-economic mainstream. The highly regimentated discourse of the America electoral politics has been busted by the brash and freewheeling interjections of Mr. Trump. The Trump mystic and even his popularity among American nativist working class is the unusual candour and clinical expressions that mirrors their fears and even hopes. Straying from rudiments of American political hypocrisy and electoral correctness has earned Mr. Trump, the ire of the guardians of the system, including the mainstream media. The decorum that Mrs. Hillary Clinton exudes and exemplifies is actually the traditional elite double speak that has America high on ideals and rhetoric but low in delivering services to Americans.
The finesse in the language of American politics has always disguised the undercurrent of systematic exclusion of the working and toiling people to the country’s political and socio-economic mainstream. The highly regimentated discourse of the America electoral politics has been busted by the brash and freewheeling interjections of Mr. Trump. The Trump mystic and even his popularity among American nativist working class is the unusual candour and clinical expressions that mirrors their fears and even hopes. Straying from rudiments of American political hypocrisy and electoral correctness has earned Mr. Trump, the ire of the guardians of the system, including the mainstream media. The decorum that Mrs. Hillary Clinton exudes and exemplifies is actually the traditional elite double speak that has America high on ideals and rhetoric but low in delivering services to Americans.
Mr. Trump, in
casting his wide net of blushful political promises also sells dummies. Hammering
immigrations as the reason why Americans have no jobs is a white wash, but if
America becomes less meddlesome by minding her own business, most immigrants,
would stay home in their own countries to pursue their own dreams. It may not
really matter to the rest of the world, how Mr. Trump resolves many America’s
intractable domestic problems but if he could refocus Washington to the real
challenge of improving the lives of America, with fewer penchants to global
trouble making, the world would be a better place, with Mr. Donald Trump in the
White House.
Mr. Onunaiju
wrote this piece from Abuja.
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